Authenticity and Vulnerability

New Year, new goals. I am not one to make resolutions for the coming year. However, the last few years I’ve made a word for the year. This year, I have two words; authenticity and vulnerability. My goal for this year is to be a more real version of myself to you, the people who are kind enough to read this or follow me on social media. I’m a goofy, fun, dancing fool of a person, that agrees with Chet Faker’s lyrics, “music keeps me spirited” and I plan to show that to you more. However, in true authenticity, it’s nerve wracking to put that out there at times. But what’s the worst that could happen? Someone calls me weird? I’m here for it, in all my weirdness.

Ahhh, but then there’s that other word, vulnerability. This one is even more scary. But I think once it’s out there it’s got to feel better, right? So here we go, and I know I’m not the first designer to say this, but imposter syndrome is very real. I worry about the things I don’t know, rather than all that I do in regards to design. I think there’s this notion of needing to know everything, and perhaps that’s just the pressure I’m putting on myself. But I’m working on saying, I don’t know, but I’ll figure it out. What I think makes a really great designer, is the eye for details and seeking perfection. However, we all know there’s no such thing as perfection. However, I put that pressure on myself to be perfect in regards to my business and designs. Which unfortunately can be paralyzing. I’m a person who knew since she was 11 that she wanted to be an interior designer. So this year, I’m putting it all out there and proving to the 11 year old all that she can do, rather than what she can’t do.

So here’s to more blog posts! Finishing projects and getting them photographed so I can continue to take you on this journey of design.

If you have something you want help with in regards to your house, big or small, I’d love to help. Not to toot my own horn, but I have fun with my clients. I know how hard my clients work for their money and am so appreciative that they trust me with their biggest investment. It’s such an intimate relationship that a designer has with a client. You’re in their home countless times; through stressful times, through the joy of finishing a project. We’re a bit like going to your hair dresser or therapist, it can be a roller coaster. But man we’re going to have fun even during the scary or stressful times.

Thank you so much for reading and following along! Cheers to another year!


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